Is your website mobile-friendly? Take the free Google test and win a consultation with the Experience Design Team! - IEEE Brand Experience

Is your website mobile-friendly? Take the free Google test and win a consultation with the Experience Design Team!

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Is your website mobile-friendly? Take the free Google test and win a consultation with the Experience Design Team!

Google offers great tools for webmasters and their Mobile-Friendly Test is just one of their many effective site maintenance tools. This tool is dedicated to pinpointing issues within your site on mobile. Once the test runs you will either pass or fail as a mobile-friendly site. Google offers tips and tools for page elements that could use improvement.

It is not a comprehensive resource for responsive site testing but since Google ranks content in search results based on mobile-friendliness, this is one way to keep your site in check!

Test your site for free, now!

Win a consultation with the Experience Design Team! The first 3 site managers or webmasters to complete the Google mobile-friendly test and submit their results via this online form, will get a full IEEE site review, a SEO review, and an accessibility review.