Recent website launches from IEEE Educational Activities
Teaching Excellence Hub
Launch date: 12 May 2021
Site purpose: The IEEE Teaching Excellence Hub is a collaboration between the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE Educational Activities Board. It contains a curated collection of educational research, tools, and other resources that may be of interest to those teaching engineering, computer science, and technology at the university level. The content is reviewed by the Teaching Excellence Hub Editorial Board. The board includes members from all ten IEEE regions, reflecting the global nature of IEEE.
How does this impact the IEEE experience? The Teaching Excellence Hub team created a great user experience by keeping navigation simple, intuitive, and consistent on every page. The Hub is an expansion of university offerings provided by IEEE, so the use of WordPress helped create content for site visitors in a user-friendly way that includes a search feature. The experience has been further enhanced by photographic imagery and a responsive design.
IEEE Pre-University Volunteer STEM Portal
Launch date: 26 June 2021
Site purpose: The IEEE Pre-University Volunteer STEM Portal is for IEEE volunteers and serves as a resource for all things related to Pre-University STEM programs and activities. Here, volunteers can share STEM best practices and programs with IEEE’s global community of volunteers, find inspiration from what others are doing, and utilize resources from this portal to develop or enhance their own programs.
How does this impact the IEEE experience? The STEM Portal team focused on providing a great user experience by keeping navigation simple, intuitive, and consistent on every page. It features an interactive map that site visitors can use to easily navigate through volunteer events, and a search feature to allow browsing through the categories and programs. The STEM Portal website meets all IEEE branding and digital guidelines, creating a best-in-class user experience.