Recent website launches - IEEE Standards Association has a redesigned website - IEEE Brand Experience

Recent website launches – IEEE Standards Association has a redesigned website

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Recent website launches – IEEE Standards Association has a redesigned website

screenshot image of the IEEE Standards website

Site name: IEEE Standards Association


Launch date: 29 August 2018

Site redesign purpose: Provides a new look and feel, simpler navigation, and a fully responsive layout. The goal is to provide site visitors with a simple way to find IEEE Standards products and services. The new site will also provide internal stakeholders with a more streamlined process for their content.

How does this affect the IEEE digital presence? This effort impacts the overall IEEE digital experience in a  number of ways. The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) team is leveraging Adobe Experience Manager, the enterprise CMS that allows for sharing of components for consistency and cost-savings. The team also user-tested the site to better understand user expectations and implemented recommendations. They performed interviews with users and stakeholders, reviewed website analytics, and used industry norms to develop its personas and streamline the user journeys in order to improve the overall user experience. They are continuing to receive feedback and implement changes to improve the site. 

For questions about the new site, contact Martha Tejada, Standards, at