Resource: The IEEE Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Template - IEEE Brand Experience

Resource: The IEEE Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Template

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Resource: The IEEE Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Template

Based on feedback from across the organization on the current corporate PowerPoint presentation template, the Experience Design team has revised the template in the hopes of better serving organizational presentation needs.

The goals of the new template are to:

  • Offer a more attractive design aesthetic that better represents the IEEE brand
  • Improve usability and flexibility in working with the template
  • Better accommodate content and visual elements as needed
  • Accommodate a wider aspect ratio

A number of testers from each IEEE organizational unit were asked to provide feedback on the new template, which has either been incorporated into the final version or into future release planning.

Please begin using this template for your 2017 presentations.

Please complete the IEEE Experience Design Team Contact Form if you have any questions regarding the template or other branded resources.