Introduction to Web Usability and Accessibility - IEEE Brand Experience

Introduction to Web Usability and Accessibility

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Introduction to Web Usability and Accessibility

User-centric design, web usability, and accessibility are integral to the mission of IEEE and to creating a positive user experience for visitors to the IEEE digital presence. Consequently, the Experience Design Team has established a guide of web-related requirements for IEEE employees and has published the resources on this page to assist IEEE digital publishers in their site-improvement efforts.

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User-centered Design Overview and Roadmap

A user-centric website allows visitors to successfully complete their tasks, faster and with less frustration. This is generally accomplished by thoroughly researching the user and considering (or even involving) them during every phase of design, from structuring navigation and writing content to adding look-and-feel and functionality. The Experience Design Team is involved in various projects designed to help increase the overall usability of sites within the IEEE digital presence.

Usability Overview and Resources

Usability, per the International Standards Organization (ISO 9241-11:1998), is “the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.”

The following online resources are recommended by the Experience Design Team for those working in the web space who need to remain current on evolving best practices and industry trends.

Accessibility Overview and Resources

"Accessibility" is generally used to refer to the usability of a tool or object by the broadest possible range of users including those with physical, cognitive, or technological disabilities. Web accessibility is the ease with which people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, interact with, and contribute to the web. Web accessibility also benefits others, including older people with changing abilities due to aging.
View and download the IEEE accessibility tip sheet (PDF, 260 KB)

Web Accessibility Resources

Web Accessibility Tools

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