IEEE Public Visibility
The IEEE Public Visibility initiative, a Board of Directors-endorsed, multi-year, multi-million-dollar project, is a communications initiative that seeks to increase IEEE’s visibility and create a global voice for the engineering profession. The program is designed to:
- Increase the public’s understanding of how engineering, computing, and technology benefit humanity
- Establish the pride and prestige of the profession
- Position IEEE as the world’s trusted source and forum
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Get Involved
Are you interested in becoming involved in IEEE Public Visibility? An integral part of the program is globally positioning IEEE members to the media as technical experts (TEs), where they serve as spokespeople and can share their technical expertise and insight on technology topics.
IEEE Transmitter
IEEE Transmitter contains a collection of articles, videos, infographics, inspiration and more all curated by IEEE. Our mission is to provide an engineer’s perspective on the latest tech news and innovations to help you cut through the noise and get to the stories that are most important to you.