Social Media Guidelines - IEEE Brand Experience

Social Media Guidelines

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IEEE Social Media

Social media is one of the many communication methods used by IEEE to share information, engage with our audiences and create a sense of community among our members and customers. This medium also allows us to raise awareness of our mission and values, position IEEE as a thought leader and connect with our audiences around the world.

This section provides an overview of social media at IEEE as well as resources to help our staff and volunteers achieve success with this medium. 

In this section:

IEEE Social Media Guidelines

The purpose of this document is to outline the IEEE guidelines when engaging on social media.  Definitions of social media are noted within the document.

Social Media Toolkits

Access toolkits that are intended to help guide you in your social media efforts. In them you will find best practices, tips and useful resources that will set you up for social media success.

Register your IEEE associated social media site

IEEE maintains a registry of IEEE associated social media presences, and  requires that presences that are operated on behalf of IEEE and/or feature IEEE logos or brands, register their site with IEEE.

Training Resources

Access a set of resources that has been created for IEEE Staff and Volunteers who are social media practitioners for IEEE-associated accounts.

IEEE Social Media Frequently Asked Questions

View frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to using social media for IEEE-associated purposes.