Recent website launches—IEEE Women in Engineering
Site Name: IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)
Site URL:
Launch Date: 20 June 2023
Site Purpose: The IEEE WIE website was re-launched on 20th June. The website aims to create awareness about Women in Engineering’s programs and resources and encourages its audience to get motivated to pursue STEM subjects. Its clean layout and well-segmented pages help in engaging its audience.
How does this affect the IEEE digital presence: The WIE team has primarily focussed on providing an informative experience to its users aiding them in finding programs that help them in various stages of their careers. The unique selling point and value-add of the site lies in its ability to build trust with its audience. The website achieves this through the minimalist and efficient look and feel (achieved by using a WordPress template), a responsive mobile-friendly layout, and adherence to the IEEE Brand Identity and IEEE Digital Style Guidelines.
For questions about the new website, contact Prachi Jain <>, Sr. Marketing Specialist, WIE